Monday, September 21, 2009

I am pleased to have a day off from my many other side jobs that pay my bills to get the chance to work on super fun april work. Also, relish the ever so sweet thing called internet that I am still relying on coffee shops to provide their Wi-Fi. I will typically frequent CrossRoads Coffee shop... fairly busy place good people watching but sometimes distracting. Today I have ventured to Churchhill (part of richmond I need to tap into more often) at Capt. Buzzy's coffee. my new favorite place. There's something a little more old Richmond with Churchhill. It's a refreshing feeling that I can gain inspiration so close and not even realize it. On another note... new prospects are happening. I have officially... upon much convincing from people two days in a row.. joined twitter.

Anywho, on these days of super fun april work.. I typically include my good friend Sera Tabb my art community companion.. we had been discussing silk screening (reminiscent of my painting & printmaking days at VCU) to be in the plans of hopefully creative bursts I've been yearning for. Hopefully some great new pieces coming soon.

Found a pretty good DIY on

Monday, August 31, 2009


It's unfortunate to say that not having internet truly hinders a lot of what I need to do to 1. work on/update my website. 2. Look for work 3. submit my business card design to be printing.. or rather more importantly research business card printing places. I hate relying on something like that. Anywho, important April things have been put to the side for the last few weeks due to a big move and once again... no internet.

I have been really into story boarding lately, just posted storyboards for a proposed music video I was working on for my friend, in the Illustration section of my website.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

what's going on

So, mid-June to present has been very productive, having been laid off from my day job--purely budget not performance at all-- has put things into perspective. I enjoy the constant of working and more importantly enjoying what I do. Currently, I've been working on story boarding for a music video, album is set to release in August, super excited for the band. I've been networking, joined the Advertising club of Richmond, and recently got commissioned to draw a house... to possibly further more work. And though I was laid off, I was actually called back to freelance which makes me feel great to get more work. busy busy busy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Lay offs, scary.. but not the end of the world just yet. Though I've been laid off, i need to still look up and take this as a blessing to full on get my freelance illustration business on it's feet. though it's day 3 of official non-day job week.. I feel I'm getting things done.

Today, I will be....

working on Art Resume..
learning quarkexpress in 2 days to beef up my resume..
getting in touch about commissioned work I've been asked about.
search for freelance..
work on sketch ideas for portfolio illustrations..
have meeting with ben from RVA..

then work at the part-time job.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


My website has finally been birthed.  It still needs to be tweaked a little bit, and in the illustration page I'd like to put more concise portfolio work. but for now it's just sketches old student work personal work,etc. just stoked to FINALLY have it up.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


yawn..., originally uploaded by April Lauren Kelly.

first illustration friday post, --finally

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

it's been awhile take 2

It's about time, after a couple years of thinking hard and long and trying to get together a package a business package... rethink my whole product, when I should have known all along to just let it come naturally. Letting my work gauge how my "package" should be...what my strengths in my work are has finally turned my lightbulb on. So website, business cards are underway.... [actually traveling portfolio may take awhile].   


get in on the illustration friday action... but actually posting.
more sketches... more finished pieces
more networking
business cards
more consistency
more creative projects for myself
doing creative projects with friends other people.
