Monday, July 10, 2006

Large format digital Printing Class fall 2005

before and after for large format digital printing class fall 2005 (photoshop)

before and after for large format digital printing class fall 2005 (photoshop)

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Basic software class spring 2006

7 deadly sins series (gluttony) photoshop and Illustrator end product 7 deadly sins+sesame street

Alice and wonderland series (2/3)
sketches then digitally edited with photoshop and Illustrator

Basic painting Fall 2005

final independent project for drawing class fall 2005

for an assignment we were required to crumple up foil... un crumple it.. and draw it.

drawing class fall 2005

first post/artwork from my semester in Painting and Printmaking

Etching fall 2005 "Sushi Cakes" inspired by a Wayne Theibaud Etching

Lithography fall 2005 "drunken Venus of University"

screenprinting fall 2005

a skeleton study for drawing class fall 2005
